Position Title
Emeritus Extension Specialist: Livestock Nutrition
John Dunbar's first position with UC was as Farm Advisor in Humboldt County, from 1957 to 1967. After a short time in industry, he returned to the Cooperative Extension service in Imperial County where he became well known for his work on nutrition and management of feedlot cattle.
In 1972, he was recruited to the Davis campus as CE Specialist in livestock nutrition. He carried out research in livestock nutrition at UC Davis Experiment Station, Sierra Field Station and Extension Center, Desert Research and Extension Center, Hopland Field Station and Extension Center, and helped initiate and develop least cost computer programs for feeding and management of beef cattle, swine, sheep and horses.
John continues to live in California (West Sacramento) since his retirement in 1993.
Selected Publications
Lofgreen, J.R. Dunbar, D.G. Addis and J.G. Clark. 1975. Energy level in Starting Rations for Calves Subjected to Marketing and Shipping Stress. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 41, No. 5. pp. 1256-1265.
Dunbar, J.R. 1976. Least Cost Gain and Profit Projection. 111. Demonstration of Use. Proceedings of Fifteenth California Beef Cattle Feeders Day. UC Davis. Department of Animal Science. pp. 84-90.
Dunbar, J.R., B.B. Norman and W.H. Johnson. 1984. Blood Selenium Levels in Cattle Receiving Selenium Rumen Pellets. Proceedings of Western Section Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 35, pp.242-243.
Dunbar, J.R., W.H. Johnson, B. Lane, G. Nader, R. Phillips and B. Weitkamp. 1984. Growth response of steers to compudose or single and multiple doses of Ralgro or Synovex-s. Proceedings of Western Section Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 35, pp. 249.
Dunbar, J.R., J.G. Morris, B.B. Norman, A. 1. Jenkins, C.B. Wilson, N.L. Martin, and J.M. Connor. Oxidized Cooper Wire Particles as an Oral Supplement for Cattle. 1987. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Trace Elements in Man and Animals. Pacific Grove, California. pp:657-658.
Dunbar, J.R., B.B. Norman, and M. Oliver. 1988. Preliminary Report on the Survey of Selenium Whole Blood Values of Beef Herds in Twelve Central and Coastal California Counties. pp. 81-84. Selenium Contents in Animal and Human Food Crops Grown in California, Publication 3330.
Dunbar, J.R., J.M. Connor, C. B. Wilson, C.A. Raguse, T. R. Famula, C.A. Daley and M.R. George. Bypass Protein for Growing Range Calves. 1988. Proceedings of Beef & Range Field Day. University of California. pp. 1-5.
Dunbar, J.R., C.B. Wilson and J.M. Connor. 1988. Range Cow Nutrition. Proceedings, University of Califomia Beef & Range Field Day, April 21, 10 .
Dunbar, J.R., A. Ahmadi, S.J. Strasser and W.N. Garrett. 1988. Computerized Ration Formulation and Gain Simulation for Profit Maximization. Proceedings, 2nd Int'1. Coal. on Computers in Agric. Ext. Programs. Feb 10-11, Orland, Florida, 6 pp.
Dunbar, J.R., C.A. Daley, J.M. Connor, C.B. Wilson, C.A. Raguse, T. R. Famula, M.R. George. 1989. Utilization of By-Pass Protein in Liquid Supplements. Proceedings Beef & Range Field Day. University of California, Davis.
Norman, B.B., M.N. Oliver and J.R. Dunbar. 1989. Selenium supplementation in range animals. Proceedings, Fourth International Symposium on Uses of Selenium and Tellurium, Banff, Alberta, Canada, pp. 484-510, May 8-10.
Bath, D.L., J.R. Dunbar, J. King, S.L. Berry, R.O. Leonard and S. Olbrich. 1989. Byproducts and Unusual Feedstuffs. Feedstufls Vol. 61, No. 31. pp. 3237.
Dunbar, J.R., S. L. Berry, W.N. Garrett, T.E. Adams, T.R. Famula and Y.B. Lee. 1989. Market Heifer Research. Proceedings - Western Section, American Society of Animal Science and Western Branch - Canadian Society of Animal Science. Montana State University. Bozeman, MT.
Bath, D., J.R. Dunbar, J. King, S. Berry, R.O. Leonard and S. Otbrich. 1990. Byproducts and unusual feedstuffs. Feedstuffs - The Weekly Newspaper for Agribusiness. July Reference Issue.
Ahmadi, A. and J.R. Dunbar. 1990. Taurus: Ration Formulation and Analysis Programs for Beef Cattle. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computers in Agricultural Extension Programs. February. pp: 405-410.
Strasser, S.J., J.R. Dunbar and H.A. Johnson. Pegasus: Least Cost Ration Programs for Horses. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computers in Agricultural Extension Programs. February pp: 483-488.